The UV-17R has the ability to load a Power-On picture. You can load your own to make a customized one by following the following guidance.
1. Open Paint, or your favorite Pic editor
2. Load Picture
3. Select Resize
4. Uncheck Maintain aspect ratio
5. Select Pixels - 160 Horizontal and 128 Vertical
6. Click OK
7. Save the resized picture as BMP format.
Customize Your Powe-On Picture
1. Open CPS and select Tools
2. Select Power On Picture
3. Select Com Port, Open Image, then Import Picture
4. Picture loading to Radio
5. When the import is completed, power the radio Off, then back On
When trying to perform these steps it loads to the radio, but it does not appear to load the image correctly on start-up. The image is in broken up horizontal lines with white space in between. Please advise on a solution to solve for this issue.